When you're trying to build an online presence, build a company, or sell a product, working on reviews is necessary. Reviews help you understand the requirements of your audience or customers. Reviews also help new visitors understand the quality and reliability of the product or service you're offering.
Word of mouth is crucial to customer satisfaction. People would rather trust other people than a brand promotion.
Getting online reviews is not as easy as it might seem, though. You must follow certain strategies and techniques to get people to post online reviews. If you’ve been wondering how you can get more online reviews, you’ll find some answers in this article.
Ways to Increase the Number of Online Reviews You Get
While getting online reviews is crucial to growing your business, asking all your customers for the same does not necessarily work. Asking them directly for reviews might cause suspicion among new customers as well.
There are many other ways to get more online reviews. Most of these ways involve asking customers to indirectly review your product or service or at the right time.
The following review acquisition techniques will get your growth in the number of customer reviews you generally get. You can implement all of them and skyrocket your reviews without having to pay a single penny.
1. Asking Happy Customers to Leave Their Feedback After They Fill an NPS Survey
After a customer fills an NPS survey form and you see that they’re satisfied with your service, you can promote them to review your company. If a customer has filled a positive survey, they are likely to agree to give reviews.
Happy customers are also more likely to leave good reviews for your online presence. This is a great advantage, as new visitors would perceive your company's positive image through such reviews.
2. Give Rewards to Reviewers
People love free stuff, and using hat liking to your advantage is the smartest move in the business world.
Leaving a small incentive like a $15 Amazon gift voucher to the first 10 people who leave a review on your product will help you see a growth in your number of reviews. This way, you will not have directly paid the customers and do not have to spend too much money.
Other incentive plans include a donation setup. You could donate a small amount to a non-profit organization every time someone reviews your product or service.
3. Show in-app Messages
The best example to explain this tactic is the review strategy of applications you download from the Google Play Store. Once you download these applications, they let you use it for a few days before asking you to post a review.
Most applications do this asking very subtly too. The in-app message might display something along the lines 'do you like this app?'. Once you click on 'yes' or 'no,' you will be asked to leave a review on the Play Store to help the company grow.
The best way to use this strategy is to wait until the user has a moment of delight and immediately post the in-app message. For example, mobile games would ask you to post a review after you beat your highest score.
4. Run an Email Campaign
Running email campaigns is a simple, clean, and professional way to get customer reviews. Huge brands like Nike and Nykaa have built their review acquisition models on emails.
Not only asking for reviews on emails makes customers feel important, but it also breathes an air of professionalism. Review collecting on emails makes automation easy too.
5. Use the Internet’s AI to Your Advantage
Posting review advertisements on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are effective. However, instead of posting ads to everyone’s feed, you could use the Internet’s AI to your aid.
Internet 3.0 collects data from users’ search history and posts ads according to their recent searches. You could choose to post review ads only on the feeds of your previous customers. This way, you wouldn’t be directly asking them to post reviews.
6. Make Use of Your Customer Support Forum
Customer Support Forums are places on your websites that can be used by customers to help other customers. Therefore, if your company has a customer support forum, that is a great place to target customers for potential reviews.
Posting a company ad asking customers to review specific products will help old customers state their feedback. This will also help new customers to get answers without even having to ask them. It is a win-win-win situation for all of the three parties involved.
7. Use Feedback Sites
Many companies on the Internet collect feedback from customers of various brands. Rather than pushing customers to give a review at your site, you could ask them to fill feedback on other sites.
Some review websites market your products themselves and target users who are likely to give positive reviews. This is an exemplary way to get more online reviews.
8. Make Reviewing Easy for Your Customers
It is natural; the easier it is to review something, the more reviews it will get. The shorter the time it takes to leave a review, the more customers will be willing to do so.
While asking for third-party reviews is a great way to get online reviews, it is a long process. This might leave customers dissuaded in the middle of the process, costing you a precious review.
Placing the review box or option right after product or service details is a great way to do so. Navigate the customer directly to the review page instead of leading them through multiple pages before they finally get to the review option. This will exhaust the customer, and they'd likely either not leave a review or leave a short one.
Summing Up
Getting online reviews is not an easy task. You have to put in the effort to make people review your product or service. Asking people to review without any context will either not work or will make them leave redundant reviews.
With proper ricks and tactics, you can get ample online reviews to help you grow.